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The Stalker Bumpin' Rod
Super sensitive so you can you can feel bottom changes in deep water; a fast tip so you can easily bump wing dam tips; and extra heavy power so you can control big fish in current.
This bumping rod has it all for only $129.99

15th ANNIVERSARY SALE! Super Cat High Definition Black/Red WAS $89.99
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Captain Adam Cook
"As someone who fishes for a living, conserving our fishery is just as important as catching fish to us. The great thing about these hooks is how versatile they are. From 10 lb fish to 100 lb fish, the damage is minimal and there's no compromise in performance. I can honestly say that we've not lost one fish after the hook turns and sets, weather we're anchor fishing, dragging baits, or back bouncing baits in heavy current these hooks dig deep and get the job done."
Need tips on rigging your rods? How about using Ripping Lips products while fishing? Well, we have videos!

Tournament Grade Circle Hooks
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